15th NACG workshop

- / Oslo, Norway

Sponsors of the 15th NACG workshop

Welcome to the 15th NACG workshop

Main topic: Long-read sequencing in clinical genomics and its adaptation into clinical practice.

The workshop will take place 26-27 September 2024 at Holmen fjordhotell in Asker, just outside Oslo, Norway.

For more information about the agenda, venue, fee and registration, see the invitation.

A fee of NOK 3.900 will have to be paid before the registration is finalized. The fee, which covers one night at Holmen Fjordhotell and all meals (lunch to lunch) can be paid either using a credit card or by paying an invoice.

Registration through this link: https://www.letsreg.com/no/register/NACG2024_28022024092214

Deadline for registration: 12 June 2024

Tentative agenda - 26th September, Day 1

10:00 - 10:30: Registration and coffee

10:30 - 11:00: Welcome address, Dag Undlien, Chair

11:00 - 12:00: Invited keynote speaker: Prof. dr. Christian Gilissen, Radboud university medical center, The Netherlands. Experiences from long read sequencing

12:00 - 13:00: Lunch

13:00 - 14:00: National updates relating to development in national programs in genomic medicine, precision diagnostics and precision medicine. Facilitated by Janna Saarela

14:00 - 15:30:

  • Parallel session 1 – long read sequencing. Bioinformatics Methods, tools and pipelines, Ksenia Lavrichenko, Jesper Eisfeldt

  • Parallel session 2 – long read sequencing. Wet lab; Experiences and challenges. DNA extraction, choice of method, pitfalls in sample preparation, robotics, scalability in wetlab. Ida Höijer, Anna Lyander, Aino Palva

15:30 - 16:00: Coffee break

16:00 - 16.15 Summary of today’s workshops, Workshop leaders

16:15 - 17:30: Rapid-fire session on knowledge sharing

Every site should contribute.

Brief presentations (7+3 min) on essentially any topic relevant to NACG activities (does not have to be on the theme of the workshop). Also event sponsors may present new products and services. The purpose is to disseminate information regarding new tools, workflows, clinical cases etc. The session is in the beginning of the workshop to facilitate follow-up discussion during breaks and other social events.

Facilitated by Dorte Launholt Lildballe

17:30-19:30: Time on your own – spa, sauna or free time

19:30 – 20:00: Pre-dinner drink and social activity

20:00: Dinner

Tentative agenda - 27th September, Day 2

 09:00 - 10:00 Bridging the gap – experiences with AI-solutions in clinical genomics. In the 14th NACG workshop AI-solutions was the major theme. In this session, we invite brief presentations (7+3 min) on experiences with such tools gained since the previous workshop. Beate Skinningsrud

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

 10:30 - 12:00 Workshop - Long read seq; Clinical applications - possibilities, limitations and scalability. Benefits compared to short read sequencing, methods, robustness, limits of scalability, QC and filtering, pitfalls. Majbritt Busk Madsen, Ksenia Lavrichenko, Gry Asker

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13.00 – 13:50 Workshop

Long read seq; Clinical applications - possibilities, limitations and scalability, continues

13:50 – 14.30 Data sharing – Experiences from national data sharing of interpreted variants in Norway

14:30 - 15:00 Summary & farewell, announcement of next WS. Dag Undlien

Interested in joining?

The next NACG workshop will take place in Oslo, Norway -.
Please contact us at post@nordicclinicalgenomics.org if you are interested in joining the workshop.